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A Notorious Criminal by Nektarios B2

                           "Pablo Escobar"

 Pablo Escobar, or more accurately, Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, was a drug Lord, born on December 1 of the year 1949 at  Rionegro, Colombia. Pablo is still considered as the biggest Drug lord in the world history.


  Pablo’s “career” as a criminal begun in the year of 1966 when he dropped out of his academy (Universidad Autόnoma Latinoamericana).  Pablo’s first criminal activity, was to sell fake lottery tickets and illegal ciggarretes.  Then, four years later, in 1970, he got his self involved in the drug businesses. 


 After a couple of years, in 1976, he founded the Madellin Cartel, which established a safe drug shipping system in the US. By the 1980s, thanks his cartel, the demand on cacaine was risen tremendously. And Pablo, was now dealing around 80 tons of cocaine per month in the United States. That had also negative effects, because he now was competing against other cartels which had as a result for many massacres to be committed , and for many police officers to be killed.


  In 1991, Pablo surrendered to the authorities and was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. But because he didn’t like the idea of being held in the public prisons, he struck a bargain of which gave them the ability of being housed in his own, self_built prison which is know as “La Catedral”. 

 Police did not like that though, so in 1992 they tried to move him in a more safe prison facility. Escobar then escaped, and the authorities were searching for him all over the US. Then, in 1993, one day after his birthday, he was found and killed at his hometown by the Colombian National police.


Pablo Escobar: 8 Interesting Facts About the King of Cocaine | Britannica